Very Autumnal Hog Roast In Great Glen

The weather very autumnal at the moment and the nights are really cutting in but that hasn’t stopped us being busy doing a hog roast in Great Glen, our loyal customers coming back to us time and time again and we have an order book fit to burst! orders for lots in the coming months with Halloween, bonfire night and the festive season along with all the other occasions such as birthdays and the likes that we cater for throughout the year. On Sunday we were up early and there was a slight frost glistening upon the grass, which really looks strange even now with the weather of lately being so mild. We headed out to do a hog roast in Great Glen for a charity event lots of companies gather and sell their produce such as cakes, home made jams and wine, craft items such as cards and gifts and food and what the sellers then do is donate half the profits they make to a worthy cause the causes change each year and this year a children’s charity was benefiting. Hog Roast 005Each year more and more people attend and it is lovely everyone making such an effort. We brought with us the barbeque plate so we could make lots and lots of burgers and sausages and make lots and lots of money! We brought with us the softest buns and soon we were slicing the buns and filling them with burgers and sausages and everyone started to help themselves to sauces. We made some potatoes skins in a nice cooling yogurt sauce the potatoes skins had a Mexican spicy twist to them which was very tasty. We were rushed off our feet and the amount of people we really don’t know where they came from and we made a great amount of money that was the whole object of the exercise when we cleared away we toted up the profit and placed the half plus a little extra as we had such a good day and we handed over the money to a very happy fundraiser along with lots of other envelopes we were all thanked for our efforts and it feels so good doing something nice!