A favourite of ours hog roast Atherstone !

Corporate events are proving to be a favourite of ours and we have done lots through out the summer nothing gives us so much pleasure than a large corporate hog roast in Atherstone event and catering for thousands at one time we get such a buzz! Hog Roast Atherstone were again mid week catering for a corporate event and this time for a group of accountants and one we had never catered for before. We were asked to cater for three hundred all important clients and hog roast hire knew the score and know how very important it is to get everything just right! We were cooking pork and nothing gets a lunch meeting more chilled than the pig all love to see the pig and it gets everyone relaxed as they chat and gives everyone a good giggle! DSC9091-300x199We had everything in order as the guests began to arrive and when the nod was given we began to serve the food looked so scrumptious and soon you could see the tense atmosphere in the room change and everyone seemed so chilled and laid back and we know the food helped! After all were fed and watered with the Atherstone hog roast it was back to the board room for important talks and we were thrilled when at the end of the meeting we were told all had went exceptional and we were thanked so much and they even said our food had helped clinch a fair few deals and we love to hear that, this has been our fifty corporate event in as many weeks and we love them we love the adrenalin that we get as the pressure really is on us and pressure is what we thrive on! Nest weekend is a quite affair a small birthday gathering but just as important and a five course meal we are cooking. well summer is nearly over and what a great time we have had out and about hog roasting but never fear we have lots to look forward too such as bonfire night and Christmas and all the events we will be catering for its so good doing a job that you enjoy and we do love our job so much…